The Forbidden Cookie Cinematographer Pre-production journal


After our director came up with a vision for the film. The cinematographer has to determine the mise en scene and the camera angles and different types of shots for the film. Such as the focal lengths. When we were

Test Shots

Focal Length 18mm

Wide Angle Lens. This provides a wider field of view in the frame which is used to show the background of the setting as the shot is focusing on a character.

Focal Length 155 mm

This is a closeup shot. It is used to show characters expressions.

Focal Length 300mm

This is an extreme closeup shot. It is used to show characters’ expressions, sometimes for comedic purposes.

We will be using all of these shots in our film.

Lighting Tests

After taking some shots of the woods that we were thinking about filming in, we decided that the natural light from the sun would be sufficient for this film. We would do color collecting if necessary in post.

Equipment Checklist

Two Canon T3i Cameras

Shoulder Mount

Audio Deck

Boom Mic

Collaboration with Director

Our group did not have a screenwriter so we both worked on the script together. I had to show information about the script in the shots. An example of this, is how I showed that Zac didn’t want anyone to take by cookie. I did this by putting lots of sticky notes on the plate in the shot that said “Do Not Take”. This not only added some comedic effect, but it also showed that Zac didn’t want anyone to take the cookie.

Set-up Sequence Workflow

Our team had an online calendar that we would mark important dates on. Every day in class, the director and I would plan the script. I would plan out what angles and shots that I wanted to use in the script.

Map of Each Location

Storyboard Notation

What I Learned

During this project, I relearned many aspects of cinematography. I learned how to manage production time on online calendars and how to storyboard. A problem that I solved was that we needed a shot showing that on of the characters made cookies. I decided to add a pan shot panning by cookie making materials which show that the cookies were recently made. The shot also helps show the theme of the film.

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