Today I finished my leadership project, practiced the bass and continued the justinguitar lessons.
By July 23, as part of my School of Rock team/class , we will have created a song that sounds good and sticks in the listeners head.
Leadership Project (SMART Goal Evidence)
- Welcome to show and tell!
- Embed media as evidence of your completed work (SHOW)
- This week we created a team of four and were tasked with creating a song. We had to collaborate and plan out the sound mostly by ourselves. At first we used trello to communicate then we moved to sound-trap. We also had a zoom meeting where we filled out the team feedback form and talked about who was going to do what. I was in charge of the bass. After the melody was finished I experimented with playing along on the base guitar. I created a simple baseline out of the f g and a notes. I had some technical difficulties with recording my amp so I had to create the baseline inside of sound-trap. I was able to make it slightly more complex there. The biggest challenge for me was keeping in rhythm with the melody because it has an irregular beat.
Composition Elements
Soundtrap Exporting and Mixing Resources
- How to export a Soundtrap composition so you can mix it
- Mixing and Effects in Soundtrap (Support Topics)
- Mixing Audio Levels in Soundtrap (YouTube)
- Continue Justin’s 117 Free Lessons YouTube Playlist
- Notes on “Are you strumming naturally on the beat”
- beginner music is in 4/4
- four down strums
- down-strum on every downbeat
- two strums per bar is strumming every other beat
Notes on ” Beginners often worry about this”
- open strings occur when you are changing chords
- isn’t a big deal
- Today I finished my leadership project. I took a screenshot of it and uploaded it. I also continued the guitar lessons.
Content (The WHAT)
Rating: OK – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – HIGHLY ENGAGED
Rating: 5
I enjoyed explaining the project.
Process (The HOW)
Rating: OK – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – HIGHLY ENGAGED
Rating: 2
I procrastinated to much on this project. I did enjoy watching the guitar lessons