Contrast and Affinity: Rhythm

  • Summary

For this project, our class split onto groups and created our own personal projects. Our main goal was to apply certain film concepts to the film. There were four people in my group they each had a different element, I had rhythm.


Terms and Concepts

  • Alteration

the process of altering or being altered

  • Repetition

doing something over and over again

saying something that has already been said

  • Tempo

The rate of speed or motion or activity

  • Rhythm of Stationary Objects

The arrangements of things in the frame and the lines that are created by these objects are a major element of Rhythm.

  • Accented and Unaccented

Accented means in focus, unaccented means out of focus

  • Rhythm of a moving object

How things moving in, out and around the frame are synchronized, or how the rate of things moving is.

  • Primary Rhythm

the movement of a whole object, entering or exiting the frame

  • Entering and Exiting the Frame

If a character exits the frame on the right, then it must enter on the left in the next frame

  • Passing another object

only objects of importance should be focused on when characters are passing them in a film

  • Moving and Stopping

when the characters are meant to be moving, they shouldn’t make random stops and pauses unless the stops are important

  • Changing Direction

Changing direction can be used to signify a characters change of emotion but it shouldn’t be done randomly

  • Secondary Rhythm

When a part of the object moves seperatly

  • Editorial Rhythm

The length of each shot, usual done in editing

  • The Event

the rhythm of events, are the rhythm of the events in the film, events happening faster can signify time passing

  • The continuous Event

events that are edited together to form a continuous narrative

  • Fragmented Event

a fragmented event, is a jumble of events that challenges the viewer to piece together the film

  • Rhythmic Patterns

patterns of rhythm, (like during intense parts of movies) could inform the viewer that is is an intense part or it could foreshadow future parts of the movies

  • Contrast

means difference between different sections of the film

when their is a higher contrast, the film is more intense

  •  Affinity

means more similar

less visual intensity

  • Slow/Fast

Fast rhythm means that the shots are faster and their is more visual intensity

slow rhythm means that the shots are longer and their is less visual intensity

  • Regular/ Irregular

uniform, patterned movement is regular movement, this can be less intense like everyday life) or intense (like in the giver)

Irregular movement usual means more intense (like in horror movies)

Controlling Rhythm Production

Film Without Commentary

Audio Commentary

Film Production Process

Before the start of this project, I had to plan out where and how we would film to control rhythm. I worked with Dzung to finish the script and incorporate our elements. During this project, we got to be creative with our production. We were able to compose our own script. We decided what roles we would take, I was the sound designer so after we composed the script, I made a list of sounds we would need for the film. I was always present on set because I had to record audio for the film. I collected all the sounds we needed and did all the ADR we needed, so it was up to the editor to add it.


What I Learned

In this project I learned that controlling rhythm is more difficult than it sounds. Rhythm is very hard to define. I learned that the main two aspects of rhythm are shot length and the amount of space in the shot.

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